Project Initiator:
Director, Large Animal Business
Assignment Period:
July 2009 – current
Merial business need:
We recognised that we needed to segment or classify our customer base in order to optimise targeting, but also create the optimal headcount and territory structure. We were aware of analytical models that could assist us in this project, but they were based on European conditions. The Next Level offered the only system tailored to the Australian sales environment, which could be customised to our specific requirements.
The Next Level Business Solution:
The Next Level taught us that we needed to both segment and classify our customer base. First they segmented our customers according to value chains and distribution channels, then they classified the customer base of our two Large Animal divisions on a national level, modelled multiple headcount scenarios and mapped the resultant sales territories to ensure optimal coverage.
They also worked with our Companion Animal Business to model a complex sales environment using best practice to create robust proxies in place of known current & potential value.
The Results So Far:
Merial’s commercial performance has gone from strength to strength. The 2010 financial year results saw overall large animal business from two divisions increase by 18% in a highly competitive market. YTD 2011 sales have seen further growth with first quarter sales being 68% ahead of Q1, 2010. Favourable seasonal factors have contributed but our business structures have allowed spectacular growth.
Looking Ahead:
We see our classification and territory modelling work with The Next Level as an ongoing process to ensure our sales function remains at an optimal level of efficiency and success.