Project Initiator:
Vince Asdagi, Managing Director
Assignment Period:
September 2018 – December 2018
Collaborative Design Space Business Need:
Our growth has been pleasing but we were grappling with what was required to really take it to the next level. Should we hire a specialist BDM? Should we hire an Internal Sales specialist? Both? Other? We turned to The Next Level for their input.
The Next Level Business Solution:
The Next Level recommended an approach to objectively test these questions and simultaneously conduct a market research exercise. An essential element of this approach was to outsource so that we could cost-effectively answer our questions, without the risk of making an insourced investment that would potentially be hard to reverse upon the learnings gleaned. This approach featured outsourcing to them a lead generation/qualification/market research telephone-based assignment.
The Results So Far:
The learnings and insights started to emerge within the first month and were quite clear before the end of the assignment. We reached a commercial break-even on the investment within two months. We have a legacy database of qualified leads that we can continue to cultivate ourselves, which will continue to increase the RoI, as there is significant “unlocked” revenue sitting in that database.
Looking Ahead:
We are currently making our strategic decisions in relation to the questions we set out to answer at the get go, one of which will be to in-house our own phone-based lead gen/lead qual capability. We plan to look again to The Next Level for input as the strategic journey continues.