Last week some 25 sales team optimisation enthusiasts gathered for the latest in The Next Level breakfast seminar series.  This time we delighted the audience with a double header………

  • The merits of supporting your sales team return by upgrading selling systems
  • Applying elite sports tactics in the sales team setting

During Q &A, a vibrant debate broke out around the role of Sales Management in upgrading selling systems for the team and applying tactics and psychology to motivate for high performance during the coaching part of the role.  To be sure, both responsibilities are critical, and not many sales managers are well skilled in both.

As genial host, I took liberty of final reply.  Get the systems right, and then the coaching itself will be optimised for ultimate sales team return.  Not only is the right tailored sales system for the team vital per se, it provides the context in which the one on one coaching can be delivered and received for maximum benefit.  I am going to argue that the best coaching in the world will be significantly under-realised in the environment of a poor sales system.  I would even go as far as to suggest that an optimum sales system will recue the need for one-on–one coaching of the individual for optimum performance.

Happy to field contradictions!
