As so many pharmacies took up the opportunity to participate in the Covid-19 vaccination rollout many were faced with new dilemmas related to workflow and how to encourage vaccine-hesitant customers to take up the offer.  Jenny Blair, The Next Level’s Lead Pharmacist, shares her experiences from the frontline…….. Like so many other pharmacists across the […]

Ever pondered how much your company invests to pay, incentivise, equip and fully mobilise the sales force to deliver the revenue budget they are set?  Ever wondered what impact reducing the investment by 10% would have on the ability to deliver the revenue budget?  What if the revenue budget was increased by 10%….what increase if […]

It costs seven times the blood, sweat, tears and dollars to win a brand new client as it does to maintain an existing client.  Heard that one before?  A million times, I bet.  This old adage has become so oft trotted out that most of us no longer even know where or who started it.  […]

    One of the nine pathways espoused in CP2025 describes the importance of improving business operations and in particular, observing workflows and reviewing procedures to look for opportunities for improvement.  In considering how you might apply this to your pharmacy, it is useful to revisit the basic fundamentals of assembly line theory. A quick […]

“Sell the benefits not the features!”…..but are you REALLY making the emotional connection? Selling features-advantages-benefits has been around since Noah came off The Ark. Most folk in retail pharmacy seem to at least be aware of this concept. But couching the benefit in a way that truly and uniquely connects to the customer’s emotional reality […]

We at The Next Level began our journey back in 2004. From our narrowly defined window into the corporate sales world, much has changed over the 17 years. The numbers are hard to come by, but by our rough ‘n’ ready reckoning, there are around 40,000 corporate B2B sales teams across Australia. For every such […]

Selling features-advantages-benefits has been around since Noah came off The Ark. There can’t be a B2B sales exec around who has not been exposed to some sort of FAB training. But couching the benefit in a way that truly and uniquely connects to the customer’s emotional reality is a skill that few have mastered. One […]

Ask just about any Head of Sales in B2B corporate Australia about the nature of the relationship between the Sales Execs and their respective customers and you will hear rhetoric about business partnerships and the training, leadership and expenditure invested to move beyond transactionally based sales relationships. Too often, though, once the first layer or […]