Itinerary routing for your on-the-road sales team Sales teams are returning to the road, as we emerge from the worst of the pandemic.  This is a great time and opportunity to review how this is done in your sales organisation, and the degree to which you let the sales team members determine it for themselves. […]

Dequeuing your queues Regardless of all the latest retail pharmacy challenges and opportunities …. ERx, Covid vaccination, generic prescribing, et al …. nothing changes the importance of maximising the customer experience.  Especially so, as the new world order forces retailers of all walks of life to find new ways to excel.  All visitors to retail […]

Fish, where the big fish are!  Go for the 80/20!  Don’t mess around with the small end of town – spend your time at the big end of town.  All laudable exhortations.  As a fledgling Sales Exec decades ago, I heard them all.  You probably did too, huh?  Calls to arms like this aren’t good […]

  The term “market” must be just about the most over bandied term in…ironically…marketing.  As Sales and Marketers, we use the term…occasionally…when we mean market.  Accidentally or with educated intent.  We also use it on occasion when we mean customer segment.  And sometimes when we mean value chain.  And sometimes when we should use the […]

CLICK ON PICTURE TO WATCH VIDEO Amanda Seeto – Community Pharmacist and Pharmacy Owner; Branch Committee Member and Professional Practice Pharmacist, The Pharmacy Guild of Australia, Queensland Branch with Glenn Guilfoyle – Principal, The Next Level <CLICK HERE TO SEE PART 1> Part 2  From conversation to conversion: Seamlessly linking the supply of advice to the […]

CLICK ON THE PHOTO TO WATCH THE VIDEO Amanda Seeto – Community Pharmacist and Owner; Branch Committee Member and Professional Practice Pharmacist, The Pharmacy Guild of Australia, Queensland Branch with Glenn Guilfoyle – Principal, The Next Level Seamlessly linking the supply of advice to the supply of a medication A common presentation to my pharmacy […]

I stopped counting and running ratios a few years back now, but at last count at least 50% of the B2B sales organisations I asked failed the value chain question. I find myself in workshops with heads of Sales, Marketing, Customer Service, Finance, Operations seeking clarity from the group in terms of identifying their customers […]