It’s tough…bloody tough out there these days…especially when you are a professional services provider selling to corporate Australia. Double especially, when your value proposition is not necessarily readily tangible to the target audience, and if it is, the target immediately considers the investment required as “discretionary”. The degree of difficulty in capturing the imagination in that vital first four seconds when in “lead gen” mode just keeps getting harder.
To win in this environment, the “discretionary” professional services provider has to do the hard yards. There is NO alternative. You have to build a consistent process and implement with Olympian rigour. A process that positions your company and your Sales Exec as leaders in your field…and the stand-out player prepared to put “real skin in the game” to earn the right with customers and prospects.
Content keys to the winning sales team hunting process
- A provocative thought leadership piece…command respect and authoritative attention
- A relevant benchmarking piece…everyone loves to compare themselves
- A compelling RoI piece…only begin to sell when you have “earned the right” (see first two bullets)
Provocative thought leadership piece
Get into the minds of the players in your field…what keeps them awake at night? How are they interpreting what is going on? What do they think will happen next? How will they respond? Find out. Ask them. Publish it. Keep it alive and on-going. Look for the trends. Segue to…
Relevant benchmarking piece
What are the key metrics and business drivers in your field? What are the norms? The ranges? The benchmarks? Create a user friendly way to quickly engage your target to benchmark themselves. Help them see their “ah ha!” and “o shit” insights. Continually gather the data and build the data bank. Segue to…
Compelling RoI piece
Guide the target to a landing spot called “what do I need to do as a result of this?” Present a user friendly way to evoke the solution and then qualify and quantify its business benefits. Facilitate a simple RoI calculation that can be signed off by The Board of the target organisation.
Invest the blood sweat and tears…then bank on it for years!