For those of you as ancient and “museum relic worthy” as moi, you will recall the days running B2B sales teams without computers, mobile phones and GPS.  Nowadays, we ponder how the hell we managed … we have all become so reliant on IT.  Don’t get me wrong, I am not going to launch into some sort of a “them were the good ol days” melancholic diatribe.  I am going to link this notion with a question that was asked of me from a B2B head-of-sales recently, which is a common question I am asked from a such a person who does not know us at The Next Level.

The question was in response to my introductory remark that we are sales team optimisation experts who assist clients with sales system development for the B2B sales team.

“Oh, you guys do CRM?”  was the immediate interpretation and clarification question.  The question could have just as easily been (and has been) “Do you guys do customer databases?”.  Or “are you sales system software people?”.

Pls re-read my heading above and return next week for the continuation…..
