8 fundamentals you need to get right The coffee conversations with various pharmacy owners  and managers I enjoyed a few years ago around the imperative of refocusing pharmacists from the rear technical processing role to the forward customer engagement role was predominantly anchored by whether and why questions.  These days these sorts of conversations are […]

As consumers, pharmacists – like Joe Public at large, are so conditioned these days to a certain “counter discipline” in classic retail environs.  Take the everyday supermarket.  There is clear signage and a reinforcing culture, that if you … Want self service you go to those self scanning/self self paying areas Want service and have […]

Thought I would share the bones of a coffee chat I enjoyed with a beloved client a while ago, because the theme of one particular topic seems to crop up on a semi regular basis currently. I reckon that both the consumer and the B2B worlds are going app crazy these days. I am continually […]

  In the April 2019 Pharmacy Bulletin I talked about ditching the mum and motherhood statements in writing a Mission/Service Statement. Here is a case study as an example… A progressive, medium sized, neighbourhood shopping centre, branded pharmacy recently shunned its brand’s mission statement as meaningless and set about articulating its own.  Why?  This particular […]

Notice lately that the word “optimisation” seems to be creeping into Corporate jargon more and more?  I have – or at least I think I have.  Bit hard for me to tell, because I am heavily biased toward the word.  I am hearing it being used across multiple functions…optimise the collections process; optimising plant resources; […]

The truth about open vs closed questions…..and the application in health customer conversations. A recent AJP Daily article posed the question, “What error makes up 10% of incidents reported to PDL?” Advice offered in this article includes ……… “Open questions, as opposed to closed, should always be used and are designed to draw information from […]

So, you have run your annual StO analytics. Thereby, amongst a range of productivity driving outputs, you will have refreshed which customers belong in your top class for targeting, your mid class and your lower class. Putting aside the granularity of the math around your methodology, you should also have essentially produced 3 sub-classes within […]

In recent bulletins I have outlined the notion of the total engagement ; complete solution conversation customer experience and the types of service models and skills required to successfully execute such an offer. This month I would like to cascade the imagery of this customer experience down to granular levels to assist in the understanding. […]

This post is the final in a 3-part series: “Making the emotional connection during the sales process …..more important than ever” To review part 1 CLICK HERE To review part 2 CLICK HERE Part 3 of 3: Let’s apply the same principle now to the B2B scenario where the emotional connection with the buyer is […]