Your humble columnist has documented it several times, but I am not the only one and I cannot claim to be the first.  Many B2B sales organisations in mature industries, that are trying to eke out another percentage point of market share, remain in a commoditised race to the bottom.  The side effect for the sales team is […]

I have lost count of how many times I have watched or shown others in the Australian B2B sales organisation space this clip: “The Golden Circle” . I continue to be intrigued by the responses of the various viewers. Imagine, if you will, the classic sales spectrum many of us would have seen before when […]

Both are relevant in terms of a driver of sales team productivity.  But the considerations must be deliberated in tandem with its sister sales team productivity driver – selling time vs driving time.  For typical B2B sales organisations, two standard deviations from bell curve will apply, like many of these issues.  Most sales organisations should […]

I read on social media recently that 74% of buyers choose a vendor that turns their vision into a clear path to value.  My gut feeling is that for non-transactional B2B sales environs, this feels about right.  If I were to be perspicacious enough, I would go a step further. Turning the buyer’s vision into […]

We are all feeling it, huh? First we thought it would a be a one-off jolt directly attributable to the GFC. But it continued for years. Now we are resigned to the notion that this is the new world order. And that the economics and trading environments leading up to the GFC were an artificial high. […]

For those of us who remember Dr Julius Sumner-Miller,  recall him probe… ”and we ask, why is it so?” It’s obvious really.  Saddle up your palomino, and go route ride with just about any Oz B2B Sales Exec as they conduct a day of customer visits out on territory, and see for yourself.  Well 82% […]

The pressure continues to mount on many B2B sales organisations to justify the cost and RoI of the expensive territory based sales team. Against the changing landscape of the race to the bottom in many mature industries and the rise of e-commerce and the internet savvy buyer. Providing connectivity and all the tools of the […]

And how do you avoid the sales team design pitfalls in the complex solution sale environment? “It’s tricky, isn’t it?” I mused with a new contact just made in the large sale, complex solution, long cycle B2B sales environment?  Where do you draw the line between where the BDMs stop in the new opportunity conversion […]

If you are an old Ozzie 60’s rocker like me, you will recall The Vibrants’ hit “Don’t let your left hand know”.  Funny thing, as a self acclaimed sales team optimisation maven of the twenty-first century, I am often reminded of this old Vibrants gem, when regular discussions with Australian B2B Heads of Sales reveal […]