How to adequately account for it in taking your sales team modelling to The Next Level “How long do you allow for when it comes to typical or average visit duration?” I asked three people this question – each person has a significant stake in the answer. • “oh could be anything from half an […]

Or How… which one is the chicken, which is the egg when it comes to sales team structure? Last week we reflected on “When and why to restructure the sales team/organisation or how”…….  and finished the first of this two-part post with the claim that there is a different way when it comes to continuously […]

Or How…………. which one is the chicken, which is the egg when it comes to sales team structure? “Glenn, we’ve asked you in because we are currently grappling with the question around whether the long-standing structure and deployment of the sales team is still optimal, as our environment and competition evolves”.  I was all ears, […]

A not-so-banal question crucial to moving your sales team productivity and strategy to The Next Level Last week we posed this trivial sounding question and looked at some living examples to show why this question is not as trivial as it may seem. A not-so-banal question crucial to moving your sales team productivity and strategy […]

“The consumer who takes the medication we manufacture is not our customer – the doctors and pharmacists who make the medication choice are” “The wholesaler who on-sells our product is not our customer – the retailer is” “The wholesaler who just picks, packs and moves our product is not our customer, but the distributor who […]

A dearly beloved of ours had recently undertaken its inaugural sales team optimisation exercise , and in keeping with best practices, a year later planning to re-run the exercise with refreshed data.  The company enjoyed almost 10% growth in a flat market, with only partial implementation of the sales team optimisation outputs (the reasons for […]

Back to my self-indulgent musing about the “good old days” when we used to hand write customer visit notes into cardboard call cards, stop off at the ubiquitous red public phone booth by the side of the road, and used printed street directories. In those dim dark yesterdays, we used to call the “sales system” […]

Last visit to this topic finished with elaborating on the horizontal angle of this matrix. Now to finish this topic and series with the vertical angle perspective of the same matrix. Here, your ideal scenario, is that industry data is available to be used for your PV (potential value data for all customers and prospects). […]

For those of you as ancient and “museum relic worthy” as moi, you will recall the days running B2B sales teams without computers, mobile phones and GPS.  Nowadays, we ponder how the hell we managed … we have all become so reliant on IT.  Don’t get me wrong, I am not going to launch into […]

Picking up the threads from last week……the how and why of gathering PV data, I was caused to reflect on this segue today when shooting the breeze over a coffee with one of my confidantes associated with the Enterprise Connect scheme.  He bemoaned the high frequency in which he recommends to organisations to undertake a […]