Do you jump for joy ……or.…. weep in woe? Scenario “all too common” …………. It’s time to run your annual customer sat survey. You are looking forward to the results. Last year’s showed an improvement on the key profit drivers compared to previous year’s. One specific result last year prompted you to throw in a […]

A referral source of ours begins ……….. “Glenn, my contact is a National B2B Head of Sales Management System, and by his own admission, too focussed on the home State, and less a manager, more a primary lead generator and converter. He says he needs to build the capability of his sales team, via a […]

Customer input into the value of the Sales Exec visit in the development of your sales management system In recent posts, I have mounted myself high on one of my hobby horses……….good visit design as an integral component of your sales management system.  Its inalienable counterpart , visit duration, has to become part of the […]

The Clash hit of 1982 could well have been penned as the lament of the Sales Exec receiving an appointment generated by the company’s trusty, hardworking Lead Generation team.  Experience has taught many a Sales Exec at this critical functional interface in the B2B sales process, that x% of the time they attend the appointment, […]

We want to focus on what we are doing, not what our competitors are doing! Well meaning enough. But potentially a tad naive………..or possibly a touch of hubris? It shouldn’t take long to gather the necessaries, and the relevant info should be at hand , or at least readily attainable.  When considering options for sales […]

Sales team optimisation and the downward pressure on cost-of-sales The annual Barrett survey, published at the commencement of the year, presaged the downward cost pressure on heads-of-sales in relation to driving costs our of sales and selling at better margins.  In fact, this trend featured first amongst the twelve sales trends for 2014 …….. the […]

Last week some 25 sales team optimisation enthusiasts gathered for the latest in The Next Level breakfast seminar series.  This time we delighted the audience with a double header……… The merits of supporting your sales team return by upgrading selling systems Applying elite sports tactics in the sales team setting During Q &A, a vibrant […]

If you are roaming similar hiways, biways, cyways as I have been, you may have also heard this term gaining traction.  Is it just new gobbledygook, or does it contain some inherent value?  I am tempted to opt for the former, but upon casting aside my bullshit meter, I am seduced by some apparent merit […]

Your higher level corporate body made the decision for you………..they would send in the “crack” team to run the diagnosis over your affiliate sales team, just like they had planned to do with all the other affiliates across the corporate global footprint.  “What the hell”  you thought………….”hey , I am not paying for it, corporate […]

How to adequately account for it in taking your sales team design to The Next Level What would you answer if you were asked by your superiors, without notice, about the dollar value of the cost of a sales visit executed by members of your sales team?  Would you quickly divide an average Sales exec […]